DBHYDRO       by station


Station 3_B35
Site 3_B35
Latitude (ddmmss.sss) 262210.848
Longitude (ddmmss.sss) 803832.856
X Coord (ft) NAD83 773231.149
Y Coord (ft) NAD83 740218.399
County Palm Beach
Basin STA-3/4
Section 9
Township 47
Range 37
Map Launch Map  
Description STA 3/4 Cell 3B
Notes The coordinate acquisition was on a 1333 ft x 1333 ft grid in ArcMap. Coordinates are that of point in the center of each grid cell. Unless we mark the site with a pole, it is very difficult to get back to the EXACT location (wind, anchor tossing, etc.), but sampling is usually within 30-50 feet of stated coordinates.
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Attachments None Available

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