DBHYDRO       reports

Hydrostratigraphy Details

Well Name X-Coord
LABELLE-IW 512107.798 868495.377

Aquifer Aquifer Source Aquifer Source Reference Citation
0 51 WATER TABLE AQUIFER SOUTH FLORIDA WMD Murray Consultants Inc, 2014: Injection Well Project Construction & Testing Report City of Labelle 113
51 130 UPPER HAWTHORN CONFINING UNIT SOUTH FLORIDA WMD Murray Consultants Inc, 2014: Injection Well Project Construction & Testing Report City of Labelle 113
51 51 LOWER TAMIAMI AQUIFER SOUTH FLORIDA WMD Murray Consultants Inc, 2014: Injection Well Project Construction & Testing Report City of Labelle 113
130 140 SANDSTONE AQUIFER SOUTH FLORIDA WMD Murray Consultants Inc, 2014: Injection Well Project Construction & Testing Report City of Labelle 113
130 135 SANDSTONE-CLASTIC ZONE SOUTH FLORIDA WMD Murray Consultants Inc, 2014: Injection Well Project Construction & Testing Report City of Labelle 113
135 140 SANDSTONE-CARBONATE ZONE SOUTH FLORIDA WMD Murray Consultants Inc, 2014: Injection Well Project Construction & Testing Report City of Labelle 113
140 636 LOWER HAWTHORN CONFINING UNIT SOUTH FLORIDA WMD Murray Consultants Inc, 2014: Injection Well Project Construction & Testing Report City of Labelle 113

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