DBHYDRO       reports

Hydrostratigraphy Details

Well Name X-Coord
LM-1719 391000.869 734001.396

Aquifer Aquifer Source Aquifer Source Reference Citation
0 27 WATER TABLE AQUIFER CONSULTANT Missimer & Associates, 1981: Groundwater Resources of the Bonita Bay Development 92
27 69 TAMIAMI CONFINING UNIT CONSULTANT Missimer & Associates, 1981: Groundwater Resources of the Bonita Bay Development 92
69 118 LOWER TAMIAMI AQUIFER CONSULTANT Missimer & Associates, 1981: Groundwater Resources of the Bonita Bay Development 92
118 124 UPPER HAWTHORN CONFINING UNIT CONSULTANT Missimer & Associates, 1981: Groundwater Resources of the Bonita Bay Development 92
124 160 SANDSTONE-CLASTIC ZONE CONSULTANT Missimer & Associates, 1981: Groundwater Resources of the Bonita Bay Development 92
124 180 SANDSTONE AQUIFER CONSULTANT Missimer & Associates, 1981: Groundwater Resources of the Bonita Bay Development 92
160 180 SANDSTONE-CARBONATE ZONE CONSULTANT Missimer & Associates, 1981: Groundwater Resources of the Bonita Bay Development 92
180 255 MID-HAWTHORN CONFINING UNIT CONSULTANT Missimer & Associates, 1981: Groundwater Resources of the Bonita Bay Development 92
255 MID-HAWTHORN AQUIFER CONSULTANT Missimer & Associates, 1981: Groundwater Resources of the Bonita Bay Development 92

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