DBHYDRO       reports

Hydrostratigraphy Details

Well Name X-Coord
LM-940 427789.902 770209.478

Aquifer Aquifer Source Aquifer Source Reference Citation
0 10 WATER TABLE AQUIFER CONSULTANT PBS&J, Missimer and Associates, 1978: Hydrogeology of Proposed New Wellfield Site in S Lee County 133
10 32 TAMIAMI CONFINING UNIT CONSULTANT PBS&J, Missimer and Associates, 1978: Hydrogeology of Proposed New Wellfield Site in S Lee County 133
32 152 LOWER TAMIAMI AQUIFER CONSULTANT PBS&J, Missimer and Associates, 1978: Hydrogeology of Proposed New Wellfield Site in S Lee County 133
152 204 UPPER HAWTHORN CONFINING UNIT CONSULTANT PBS&J, Missimer and Associates, 1978: Hydrogeology of Proposed New Wellfield Site in S Lee County 133
204 SANDSTONE AQUIFER CONSULTANT PBS&J, Missimer and Associates, 1978: Hydrogeology of Proposed New Wellfield Site in S Lee County

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