DBHYDRO       reports

Lithologic Interval Details

Well Name X-Coord
CCRO-9N 330840 855065

Primary Rock %
Primary Color Induration %
0 20 SHELL medium light gray N6; predominately bivalves; unconsolidated; whole bi-valves and bi-valve fragments
20 30 CLAYEY SANDS grayish olive 10Y 4/2; fine grained, well sorted.
30 100 CLAY grayish olive 10Y 4/2; moderately hard; trace of silt.
100 120 CLAY grayish olive 10Y 4/2; moderately hard.very light gray N8; micrite; abundant embedded very fine phosphate particles (~5%); high porosity; trace of shell fragments.
120 150 CLAY dusky yellow green 5GY 5/2; moderately soft.
150 170 LIMESTONE %): very light gray N8; micrite; abundant embedded very fine phosphate particles (~5%).grayish olive 10Y 4/2; moderately hard.
170 180 LIMESTONE very light gray N8; micrite; abundant embedded very fine phosphate particles (~5%).grayish olive 10Y 4/2; moderately hard.
180 210 LIMESTONE very light gray N8; micrite; moderate embedded very fine particles (~2-3%).grayish olive 10Y 4/2; moderately hard
210 220 CLAY grayish yellow green 5GY 7/2; moderately hard.very light gray N8; micrite; abundant embedded very fine phosphate particles (~5%).
220 240 LIMESTONE very light gray N8; friable; micrite; high intergranular vuggy macroporosity; moderate amount of fine embedded phosphate particles (~2-3%).light olive gray 5Y 5/2; soft
240 250 MARL grayish yellow green 5GY 7/2; moderately hard.very light gray N8; micrite; trace embedded very fine phosphate particles (~1%).
250 280 MARL greenish gray 5GY 6/1; moderately soft; suspended very fine phosphate particles (1-2%).very light gray N8; micrite; hard
280 290 CLAY greenish gray 5GY 6/1; moderately soft
290 300 CLAY greenish gray 5GY 6/1; moderately soft.very light gray N8; micrite; moderately friable
300 310 LIMESTONE very light gray N8; micrite; moderately friable; moderate porosity. light greenish gray 5GY 8/1; moderately soft.greenish gray 5GY 6/1; moderately soft.
310 320 MARL light greenish gray 5GY 8/1; moderately soft.very light gray N8; micrite; moderately hard; moderate porosity; trace of fine phosphate (1-2%).greenish gray 5GY 6/1; moderately soft
320 340 MARL light greenish gray 5GY 8/1; moderately soft. very light gray N8; micrite; friable; moderate porosity.
340 370 MARL light greenish gray 5GY 8/1; moderately soft.very light gray N8; micrite; moderately hard; moderate porosity.
370 400 MARL light greenish gray 5GY 8/1; moderately soft. very light gray N8; micrite; moderately hard; moderate porosity.
400 430 MARL light greenish gray 5GY 8/1; soft; abundant very fine phosphate particles (~5%).Limestone (20%): very light gray N8; micrite; moderately hard; moderate porosity.
430 450 MARL light greenish gray 5GY 8/1, very soft. very light gray N8; micrite; moderately hard; moderate porosity.
450 460 MARL light greenish gray 5GY 8/1; soft. very light gray N8; micrite; moderately hard; moderate porosity.
460 470 MARL greenish gray 5GY 6/1; soft. very light gray N8; micrite; moderately hard; moderate porosity.
470 480 LIMESTONE very light gray N8; micrite; moderately hard; vuggy; moderately high intergranular porosity. greenish gray 5GY 6/1; soft.
480 490 LIMESTONE yellowish gray 5Y 8/1; micrite; friable; vuggy; moderately high intergranular porosity.light greenish gray 5Y 7/2; soft.
490 500 MARL greenish gray 5GY 6/1; soft.yellowish gray 5Y 8/1; micrite; friable
500 530 MARL pale olive 10Y 6/2; very soft. very light gray N8 and yellowish gray 5Y 8/1; micrite; friable.
530 540 MARL light greenish gray 5GY 8/1; soft; abundant very fine phosphate particles (~5%).very light gray N8; micrite; moderately hard; moderate porosity.
540 550 MARL pale greenish yellow 10Y 8/2; soft; abundant very fine phosphate particles (~5%). very light gray N8; micrite; friable; moderate porosity.
550 580 MARL light greenish gray 5GY 8/1 to yellowish gray 5Y 7/2; soft; abundant very fine phosphate particles (~5%).very light gray N8; micrite; friable; moderate porosity.
580 587 MARL light greenish gray 5GY 8/1; soft.Limestone (50%): yellowish gray 5Y 8/1; micrite; moderately friable; moderate porosity; trace of coarse phosphate (~1%).
587 600 LIMESTONE yellowish gray 5Y 8/1; micrite; moderately friable; high porosity; trace of coarse phosphate (~1%). light greenish gray 5GY 8/1; soft
600 630 LIMESTONE yellowish gray 5Y 8/1 and very light gray N8; micrite; friable; high porosity; trace of coarse phosphate (~1%). light greenish gray 5GY 8/1 and yellowish gray 5Y 8/1; soft.
630 650 LIMESTONE very light gray N8; biomicrite; vuggy; high porosity; moderately hard.
650 660 LIMESTONE very light gray N8; soft
660 680 LIMESTONE white N9 to very light gray N8; biomicrite; very vuggy; high porosity; trace of fine phosphate (1-2%).
680 700 LIMESTONE very light gray N8 and yellowish gray 5Y 8/1; biomicrite; moderately vuggy; high porosity; trace of fine phosphate (2-3%)very light gray N8; soft.
700 720 LIMESTONE white N9; biomicrite; moderately vuggy; moderately high porosity.very light gray N8; soft.
720 750 LIMESTONE white N9; biomicrite; vuggy; high porosity.very light gray N8; soft.
750 760 LIMESTONE yellowish gray 5Y 7/2 to very light gray N8; biomicrite; vuggy; high porosity
760 762 DOLOMITE dusky yellow 5Y 6/4; hard; low intergranular porosity
762 763 MARL very light gray N8; soft; trace of fine phosphate (2-3%).
763 770 LIMESTONE very pale orange 10YR 8/2 and very light gray N8; micrite; moderately vuggy; moderate porosity.
770 797 CLAY white N9; very soft; trace of very fine phosphate (1-2%).
797 800 CLAY white N9; very soft; trace of very fine phosphate (1-2%).very pale orange 10YR 8/2; biomicrite; vuggy; moderately high porosity.
800 820 LIMESTONE very pale orange 10YR 8/2; biomicrite; calcarenitic; high porosity.
820 840 LIMESTONE very pale orange 10YR 8/2; biomicrite and sparite; calcarenitic; vuggy; high porosity

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