This Glossary incorporates explanations for the various systems used throughout the ePermitting System. All terms are listed in alphabetical order and noted with each item's specific use.

  • Field Explanations (noted as Fields)
  • System Dictionary (noted as Buttons, Links and Menu Links).
    • Buttons, when selected, either display, manipulate, or submit data.
    • Links, when selected, take you somewhere within the system.
    • Menu Links, when selected, serves as a link in the left or top menu areas.
  • Definitions for Application Terms used during the application process and are also referenced in the (noted as Terms).
    • WU = Water Use application term
    • ERP = Environmental Resource Permit application term
    • WOD = Works of the District (Two types include: EAA = Everglades Agricultural Area & C-139 = C-139 Basin (C-139 is not available at this time))

Simply click the cooresponding alphabetical letter that applies to the item for clarification.

  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z  

Item Use Definition
Link Clicking this 'Help' icon provides a description for the respective field.
Abandon or Abandonment Term Used to indicate cessation of use and maintenance activities or responsibility for a system, or part of a system. (ERP)
Above Ground Facilities Term Used to refer to any and all physical improvements or uses, whether man-made or natural (e.g. vegetation), that are extended above the existing surface of the ground. (WOD)
Account Type Field Represents a type of account.
Accounting Method Field Provide the method used to record the water level for well or pump withdrawal while preparing a Water Use compliance report.
Action Taken Field Click on the down arrow to display the list of actions performed on the existing permit for this application.
Add Link Allows you to add a new item in the system (e.g., New Notice Type, etc.).
Address 1 Field Enter the address for the relevant party being listed.
Address 2 Field Enter a suite or unit number, if applicable.
Agency Field Click on the down arrow and choose one of the agencies listed where the permit emanated from.
Agency Comments Field Used for the Additional Information section where the agency (District) may enter comments pertaining to the application submittal or permit.
Agency of Employment Field Name of the company you work for.
Allocable Load Term Refers to the difference between the target load of 397 tons per year and the amount of phosphorus contributed by uncontrolled sources in WOD basins (used in Rule 40E-61). (WOD)

Allocation Coefficient

Term A multiplier used in calculating permit allocations which accounts for the irrigation system efficiency and the effects on the relevant water storage system (see Resource Efficiency). (WU)
Alter Term Extends a dam or works beyond maintenance in its original condition, including changes which may increase or diminish the flow or storage of surface water which may affect the safety of the dam or works. (ERP)

Annual Withdrawal


The quantity of water permitted to be withdrawn during any 12 month time period. (WU)

App No/Application# Field A unique number used to identify an application. Specifies the received date and the order it was received for that day (e.g., 070101-1, first two digits = year, 3rd & 4th digits = month, 5th & 6th digits = day, digit after hyphen = order.).
Applicant Term The individual entering information.
App/ Permit Search Field Enter the unique number used to identify the application (see digit breakdown above) or permit (e.g., 36-00001-P - 2 digit country code (36), 5 digit sequence number, letter represents permit type (P = ERP, S = SWM, W = WU, E = WOD EAA, C = WOD C-139)).
Appurtenant Works Term Represents any artificial improvements to a dam which might affect the safety of the dam or, when employed, might affect the holding capacity of the dam or of the reservoir or impoundment created by the dam. (ERP)
Aquatic Perserve Field Indicate whether or not the receiving waterbody is an aquatic perserve or not.
Aquatic Preserve Term An exceptional area of submerged lands and its associated waters set aside for being maintained essentially in its natural or existing condition, as authorized by Chapter 258, F.S. (ERP)



A geologic formation, group or formations, or part of a formation that contains sufficient saturated, permeable material to yield significant quantities of water to wells and springs. (WU)

Aquifer Remediation


A use of water involving the withdrawal of ground water for the authorized removal of contaminants for the purposes of restoring water quality. (WU)

Aquifer Storage and Recovery


Projects involving approved Class V injection wells for the injection and recovery of fresh water into a ground water reservoir. (WU)

Area of Influence


For underwater systems the area of influence is defined by the cone of depression, and for surface water systems the area of influence is defined as the extent to which the withdrawal results in a measurable change in surface water levels or flows. (WU)

Assimilative Capacity Term Represents the net, long-term capacity of a sediment/plant system to absorb and retain phosphorus. (WOD)
BMP Plan ID Field The number used in this field represents the version number of the BMP plan being added in a WOD permit renewal.
Banker Term

An entity that creates, operates, manages or maintains a Mitigation Bank pursuant to a Mitigation Bank Permit. (ERP)

Backoffice Menu Link Takes an authorized user to the back office administration page.
Browse Button Opens the file selection dialog which allows you to select the file from the local drive.
Calendar Field Select the down arrow to display the calendar window. Click on the greater than and lesser than carets to choose the appropriate calendar date for the information requested. The window automatically closes once the date has been chosen.
Calibration Type Field Enter the calibration type that cooresponds to the Structure Type chosen for a WOD renewal (in Basin Information).
Canal Term A trench, the bottom of which is normally covered by water, with the upper edges of its two sides normally above water. (ERP)
Cancel Button Allows you to exit the current screen without performing any operation and you are directed back to the previous screen.
Cased Depth Field Depth, in feet, of the existing or proposed well casing.
Change of Ownership Term Refers to the sale, purchase, or transfer of beneficial ownership of property adjacent to the District's right of way relative to a right of way occupancy permit, or in the case of utilities, bridges, or other such public facilities, the sale, purchase, or transfer of responsibility. (WOD)
Change Password

Menu Link

Button - Validates the old password and if found correct, replaces the old password with the new password.
Menu Link - Takes you to the change password screen.
Change Password? Link Takes you to the change password screen.
Channel Term A trench, the bottom of which is normally covered entirely by water, with the upper edges of one or both of its sides normally below water. (ERP)
Chloride Field Enter the chloride amount in millions per liter for the Water Quality Monitoring report for Water Use compliance.
City Field Enter the City for relevant party information.
Class Type Field Click on the drop down arrow to choose a class type from the list provided.
Clear Form Button Clears the input fields and sets the screen to the default value. This does not clear the “filename” field.
Close Me or Close Button Closes the current screen or window.
Comment Fields Field Comment fields are utilized throughout the ePermitting process, specifically in the Water Use Details sub-screens and Section D and F screens included in the ERP section. Enter any verbiage relevant to the field title with a limit up to 2,500 characters.
Company Field Name of the company as it applies to any relevant party (e.g., applicant, agent, etc.) being listed on the application.
Compliance Menu Link Takes an authorized user to the compliance posting page.
Compliance Information Field Used for the Additional Information section where the any user may enter compliance information required in regards to a permit.
Conceptual Approval Term An ERP issued by the District Governing Board, which approves a conceptual master plan for surface water management system or a mitigation bank. Conceptual approvals constitute final District action, and are binding to the extent that adequate data has been made available for review by the applicant during the review process. To the extent that there is any inconsistency between the permit, staff report, and other information in the application file, the permit and staff report shall control. (ERP)
Cone of Depression Term

The conical shape taken by the potentiometric surface showing the variation of drawdown with distance due to pumping from a well or wellfield. (WU)

Conductivity Field Provide the conductivity in micromhos per centimeter for the Water Use monitoring compliance report.
Confined Aquifer Term

An aquifer that contains ground water which is confined under pressure and bounded between significantly less permeable materials, such that water will rise in a fully penetrating well above the top of the aquifer. In cases where the hydraulic head is greater than the elevation of the overlying land surface, a fully penetrating well will naturally flow at the land surface without means of pumping or lifting. (WU)

Confining Unit Term

A body of significantly less permeable material than the aquifer, or aquifers, that it stratigraphically separates. The hydraulic conductivity (K) may range from nearly zero to some value significantly lower than that of the adjoining aquifers. (WU)

Conservation Term

The beneficial reduction of water use through voluntary or mandatory altering of water use practices, reduction of distribution losses or installation and maintenance of low-volume water use systems, fixtures, or devices. (WU)

Conservation Easement Term A right or interest in real property pursuant to Section 704.06, F.S., which is appropriate to retaining land or water areas predominantly in their natural, scenic, open, agricultural, or wooded condition; retaining such areas as suitable habitat for fish, plants, or wildlife; retaining the structural integrity or physical appearance of sites or properties of historical, architectual, archaeological, or cultural significance; or maintaining existing land uses and which prohibits or limits several different cases for the easement. (ERP)
Constant Drawdown Term

In dewatering systems, the practice of pumping the source unit to a static level for a long duration. Also used in context with aquifer performance tests associated with flowing levels. (WU)

Contact Information Changes Field Provide any contact information changes that may have occured since your application submission or permit issue.
Control Device Field Select a control device from the list provided for this culvert.
Control Device Term

Element of a discharge structure which allows the gradual release of water under controlled conditions. Sometimes referred to as the bleed-down mechanism, or “bleeder”. (ERP)

Control Elevation Term

The lowest elevation at which water can be released through the control device. (ERP)

Consumptive Use Term

Any use of water which reduces the supply from which it is withdrawn or diverted. (WU)

Coral Term Used to represent living stoney or soft corals. (ERP)
Count(ies) Field When adding a parcel or farm to a WOD permit renewal, you may select multiple counties. Simply hold the CNTL key as you scroll through the listed counties and highlight (with your mouse) the desired counties for selection. Holding the SHIFT key will select all counties from the selected county and those listed above it.
County Field The county in which the project is located.
Creation Term The establishment of new wetlands or surface waters by conversion of other land forms. (ERP)
Crop (seasonal) Field Select the seasonal crop being planted in the parcel from the list provided.
Crop Type/Land Use Field Click the drop down arrow to choose one of the many options available for a proposed or existing activity in an EWOD renewal.
Culvert Cross-section Field Select the appropriate type of cross-section (the shape of the inside of a culvert) from the list provided.
Culvert Diameter Field Enter the diameter, inches, for this culvert.
Culvert Height Field Enter the height, in inches, for this culvert.
Culvert Invert Elevation Field If the culvert is elevated on one end, enter the inverted elevation for this culvert based on the NGVD requirements (in feet and inches).
Culvert Length Field Enter the length, in feet, for the culvert(s) in this project.
Culvert Name Field Enter a name for the proposed or existing culvert for this application.
Culvert Status Field Select the applicable status from the list provided. Same list applies to wells and pumps.
Culvert Type Field Select the applicable type of culvert from the list provided.
Culvert Use Field Select the use for this culvert from the list provided.
Culvert Width Field Enter the width, in inches, for this culvert.
Current Average Concentration Term Represents the twelve month rolling average of concentrations of total phosphorus in water discharged from a parcel. (WOD)
Current Basin Inflow Concentratin Term Represents the average annual flow-weighted total phosphorus concentration over the period of record for a particular sub-basin. (WOD)
Date Field Used for both board date and document date depending on the notice type. Also used throughout the system to call up the calendar window.
Date and Time of Collection Field Enter the collection data required when completing the Water Use Monitoring report; date by month/day/year and time in a military format.
Date Last Calibrated Field

Enter the date that the apparatus used for measuring the water was last calibrated when completing a Water Use Withdrawal compliance report..

Days/week Field Enter a number which represents the amount of dewatering operation performed per week.
Delete Button Clears the input fields for the respective row. Does not clear “filename” field. (Post Documents screen)
delete Link Allows you to delete the current item in the system (e.g., Notice Type, etc.). (List Notices screen)
Delete Documents Button Allows you to delete the selected document(s) from the repository.
Demand Management Term

Reducing the demand for water through activities that alter water use practices, improve efficiency in water use, reduce losses of water, reduce waste of water, alter land management practices and/or alter land uses. (WU)

Department Term The Department of Environmental Protection. (ERP)
Desalination Term The process of removing or reducing salts and other chemicals from saltwater or other highly mineralized water sources. (WU)
Description Field Meaning of the notice type (for WU and ERP). This field is also used to descibe any permit associated to a WOD permit renewal..
Details Field As used in the Additional Information section for information pertaining to an application submittal or permit.
Detention Term The delay of stormwater runoff prior to discharge into receiving waters. (WU & ERP)
Detention Volume Term The volume of open surface storage behind the discharge structure between the overflow elevation and control elevation. (ERP)
Dewatering activity Field Describe the purpose or withdrawal and the dewatering activity for this water use application.
Dewatering necessary Field Provide a detailed explanation as to why dewatering is required.
Dewatering Pumpage Field Requires you provide a detailed explanation for determining different calculation methods for maximum and average daily pumpage.
District ID Field This number represents an internal SFWMD identifier which accompanies all permit applications and issued permits. It automatically displays on this system and cannot be edited.
Document Title Field Lists the type of document.
Download Results Link Allows you to download a search result as a .csv (Common Separated Value) file.
Drainage Ditch Term A man-made trench which is dug for the purpose of draining water from the land or for transporting water for use on the land and which is not built for navigational purposes. (ERP)
Drawdown Term The vertical distance between the static water level and the surface of the cone of depression. (WU)
Drawn down elevation Field Provide the ground water elevation, in feet, for dewatering.
Dredging Term Excavation, by any means, in surface water or wetlands, as delineated by Section 373.4211, F.S. It also means the excavation, or creation, of a water body which is, or is to be, connected to surface waters or wetlands, as delineated by Section 373.4211, F.S. directly or via an excavated water body or series of water bodies. (ERP)
Dry season Field Provide the existing water table elevation, in feet, for dewatering.
Duration of water use Field Enter a number that represents the weeks in which the dewatering use is required.
Easement Term Refers to the District's legal interest in the land for a specific limited use, such as construction, operation and maintenance of a canal or levee, access, stock piling of spoil material, or flowage of the land of another. (WOD)
Ecological Value Term The value of functions performed by wetlands and other environmentally sensitive areas. These functions include providing habitat for wildlife, corridors for wildlife movement, food chain support, groundwater recharge, water storage, and flow attenuation, and water quality enhancement. (ERP)
Edit Link Allows you to update the current item in the system (e.g., Notice Type, etc.). (List Notices screen)
Edit/Delete Link List all the items in the system with the option for Edit/Delete (e.g., Notice Type, etc.). (Maintain Notices screen)
Effluent Term Water that is not reused after flowing out of a wastewater treatment facility. (WU)
Electronic Transaction Agreement Field This is an agreement document that facilitates the transaction between the District and you, the user.
Elevation Term

The height in feet above mean sea level according to NGVD (1929). May also be expressed in feet above mean sea level (MSL) as reference datum. (WU & ERP)

Email Field Enter an email address as it applies to you, the user as a registrant, and when adding relevant parties during the application process.
Embedment Term The placement of transmission or distribution lines, pipes or cables into the bottoms of waters of the State by minimal displacement of bottom material and without the creation of a trench, or trough, through the use of techniques such as plowing-in, weighing-in, or non-trenching jets. (ERP)
Endangered Species Term Those animal species which are listed in Section 39-27.033, F.A.C., and those plant species which are listed as endangered in 50 Code of Federal Regulations 17.12. (ERP)
Engineering Deliverables Field Submittals, such as an Engineer's Certification, Record Drawings, Other As-Built Information, etc., that pertain to the Environmental Resource or Surface Water Management Permit Conditions and referenced exhibits that provide reasonable assurances that the surface water management system has been constructed in substantial compliance with the permitted design.
Enhancement Term Improving the ecological value of wetlands, other surface waters, or uplands that have been degraded in comparison to their historic condition. (ERP)
Entrenchment Term The placement of transmission or distribution lines, pipes, or cables into the bottoms of waters of the State by the creation of a defined trench, or trough, through the use of such devices as clamshells, dredges, trenching jets, or other devices which produce similar results. (WRP)
Environmental Deliverables Field Submittals pertaining to the Environmental Permit Conditions and referenced Exhibits that provide reasonable assurances and/or payments signifying the success of wetland preservation or mitigation projects, such as; Yearly Monitoring Reports, Recorded Conservation Easements, Proof of Financial Responsibility etc.
Estimate Number Field Enter the estimated number of livestock to occupy the water use parcel.
Estimated Acreage Field Enter a numerical amount for the acreage to be used for a WOD renewal permit existing or proposed activity.
Estuary Term A semienclosed, naturally existing coastal body of water which has a free connection with the open sea and within which seawater is measurably diluted with fresh water derived from riverine systems. (ERP)
Evapotranspiration Term The total loss of water to the atmosphere by evaporation from land and water surfaces and by transportation from plants. (WU)
Existing Legal Use of Water Term A water use that is authorized under a District water use permit or is existing and exempt from permit requirements. (WU)
Existing Nesting or Denning Term As used in Section 4.2.7, means an upland site is currently being used for nesting and denning (by birds or other animals), or is expected, based on reasonable scientific judgment, to be used for such purposes based upon past nesting or denning at the site. (ERP)
Expiration Date Field This is the date when the account expires for your subscription.
Explanation...Calculation Field Enter a written explanation and the calculations used to ascertain the amount of water being requested for in the Water Use Details screen.
Facility Elevation Field If the project location is higher than sea level, enter the elevation difference in feet.
Farm / Basin ID Field Will display as "NEW" when an applicant is entering a new Farm or Basin. Displays a number when an existing Farm or Basin requires modification during a WOD permit renewal.
Fax Field Enter the fax number which will serve as the main contact fax number.
Fee Term Refers to absolute and unconditional ownership by the District.
Field Sampling QA Plan Holder Field Name of company holding the plan as required for a WOD renewal permit.
File Name Field Name of the file that needs to be searched.
Filling Term The deposition, by any means, of materials in surface waters or wetlands, as delineated by Section 373.4211, F.S. (ERP)
Financial Assurances Term This is a cash bond that is held by the District in a non-interest bearing account, a performance bond issued by a licensed bonding company, a letter of credit issued by a financial institution approved by the District.
First Name Field Enter your first name or the first name of a relevant party.
First Page Button Navigates you to the first page of the Search Result report.
Flow Meter Term An instrument, when properly installed and calibrated, that is used for the accurate measurement of water flow through a closed pipe. (WU)
Forested wetlands Term Wetlands where the canopy coverage by trees with a diameter at breast height of greater than 4 inches is greater than 10 precent, as well as those areas required to be planted with tree species to establish or reestablish forested wetlands pursuant to a permit issued or enforcement action taken, under rules adopted under Part IV of Chapter 373, F.S., and those areas where the canopy has been temporarily removed but are expected to revegetate to a forested wetland if use of the area would remain unchanged. (ERP)
Forgot your password? Link Takes you to the Password Retrieval page.
Freshwater Term An aqueous solution with a chloride concentration equal to or less than 250 milligrams per liter (mg/L). (WU)
From Date/To Date Field When accessing Applications, the date range represents the received date. When accessing Permits, the date range is used for issued date. (Application/Permit Search)
From Date/To Date Field Used for both the board and document dates depending on the notice type. (Post/Move-Delete Documents/Noticing Search)
From Date/To Date Field Represents the Subscription Date range. (Subscription Report)
Generate Notices Button Allows you to generate the selected notice(s) and post them in the repository.
Ground Water Source Field From the list of water sources provided, choose the one used for the well, pump or culvert pertaining to the ERP application.
Heat Stress Damage Term Exposure to high temperature extremes such that the crop or plant is economically damaged. (WU)
Help Menu Link Allows you to access several different types of help located throughout the ePermitting system.
Herbaceous wetlands Term Wetlands dominated by non-woody vegetation that have less than a 10 percent canopy coverage of trees with a diameter at breast height of greater than 4 inches. (ERP)
Historic Discharge Term The peak rate at which runoff leaves a parcel of land by gravity in an undistributed/natural state, or the legally allowable discharge in effect at the time of permit application. (ERP)
Home Menu Link Takes you to the ePermitting Home page.
Hrs/Day Field Enter a number which represents the amount of dewatering operation performed per day.
Hydraulic Conductivity (K) Term For an isotropic medium and homogeneous fluid, the volume of water at the existing kinematic viscosity that will move in unit time under a unit hydraulic gradient through a unit area measured at right angles to the direction of flow. (WU)
Hydroperiod Term The range of water level fluctuation coupled with the duration of the periods of inundation or saturation and drying in a wetland. (WU)
I agree to the above Field Agreeing on the terms and conditions as stated in the Electronic Transaction Agreement.
I don't agree Field Not agreeing on the terms and conditions as stated in the Electronic Transaction Agreement.
Impervious Term Land surfaces which do not allow, or minimally allow, the penetration of water. Examples include building roofs, normal concrete and asphalt pavements, and some fine grained soils such as clays. (ERP)
Impoundment Term Any lake, reservoir, or other containment of surface water occupying a depression or bed in the earth's surface and having a discernible shoreline. (WU)
Insect control impoundment dikes Term Artifical structures, including earthen berms, constructed and used to impound wetlands or other surface waters for the purpose of insect control. (ERP)
Incidental site activities Term Certain site activities in uplands which may be conducted in conjunction with the work proposed in an environmental resource permit application such as: land clearing in uplands; minimal earthwork, lake construction; road subgrade construction; foundation construction; utility installation; fence installation; construction trailer installation; unconnected drainage facility construction; or other similar activities. (ERP)
Irrigated Acreage Field Enter the number of acres that either is, or will need to be, irrigated.
Irrigated System Types Field Select an applicable irrigation type from the list provided for an agricultural parcel.
Irrigation Water Use Term A water use classification which incorporates all uses of water for supplemental irrigation purposes including golf, nursery, agriculture, recreation and landscape. (WU)
Irrigation Return Flow Term The flow of water under the influence of gravity, to a watercourse, which occurs as surface water flow or shallow ground water flow resulting from the application of water for supplemental irrigation purposes. (WU)
Irrigation System Efficiency Term A measure of the effectiveness of an irrigation system in delivering water to a crop for irrigation and freeze protection purposes. It is expressed as the ratio of the volume of water used for supplemental crop evapotranspiration to the volume pumped or delivered for use. (ERP)
Isolated Wetland Term Any wetland without a direct hydrologic connection to a lake, stream, estuary, or marine water. (ERP)
Issuing Agency Field The office location of the issuing agency where the application is being reviewed or where the permit was issued.
Laboratory Name Field Enter the laboratory name used for a Discharge Monitoring Plan (Basin Information) in a WOD renewal permit.
Lagoon Term A naturally existing coastal zone depression which is below mean high water and which has permanent or ephemeral communications with the sea, but which is protected from the sea by some type of naturally existing barrier. (ERP)
Lake Recharge Term The withdrawal of water for the purpose of replacing a volume of water removed from a lake system or other water body utilized as a source of water supply or indirectly as a source of wellfield recharge. Lake recharge does not include artificial maintenance of the water level of a surface water body at a desired elevation for aesthetic purposes, but may include augmentation of the volume of water stored within a surface water body that is effecting recharge to an adjacent wellfield. (WU)
Landscape Irrigation Term The outside watering of shrubbery, trees, lawns, grass, ground covers, vines, gardens and other such flora, not intended for resale, which are planted and are situated in such diverse locations as residential and recreation areas, cemeteries, public, commercial and industrial establishments, and public medians and rights of way. (WU)
Land Use Field The description of the land or water use (e.g., agricultural, residential, commercial, etc.) for the project.
Landuse Description Field Click on the down arrow and choose one of the many land use options in the list for the BMP plan change.
Last Name (reg) Field Enter the last name for registration, permit search or relevant party information.
Last Page Button Navigates you to the last page of the search result report.
Last Page Link Takes you to the "Submittal Management" page of the ePermitting application process, where you may submit the application, edit it and pay the applicable fees.
Leakance Term

The vertical movement of water from one aquifer to another across a confining zone or zones due to differences in hydraulic head. Movement may be upward or downward depending on hydraulic head potential in source aquifer and receiving aquifer. This variable is typically expressed in units of gpd/cu.ft. (WU)

Letter Modification Term An administrative process that allows for the modification of an existing permit to account for minor changes that do not result in significant change to the terms and conditions of the permit. (WU & ERP)
Linear Move Irrigation System Term A type of self-propelled overhead irrigation system that utilizes laterals which emit water under low pressure at a distance of 3-4 feet above the crop at a rate ranging 4 to 16 gallons per minute. (WU)
List by date Link Displays document(s) sorted by last modified date within the Search Result report.
Listed Species Term

Those animal species which are endangered, threatened or of special concern and are listed in Section 68A-27.003, 68A-27.004 and 68A-27.005, F.A.C., and those plant species listed in 50 Code of Federal Regulation 17.12, when such plants are found to be located in a wetland or other surface water. (WU & ERP)

Livestock Field Select the type of livestock from the list provided that will occupy the water use parcel being listed.
Login Menu Link Takes you to the ePermitting Login page.
Log out Menu Link Signs you out from the ePermitting system.
MGD Field (Million Gallons per Day). When using MGD the following convention should apply: 8,000 gallons per day should be entered as .008 millions gallons per day.
Maintain Notice Types Menu Link Takes you to the Notice Type maintenance page.
Maintenance Term Remedial work of a nature as may affect the safety of any dam, impoundment, reservoir, or appurtenant work ot works, but excludes routine custodial maintenance. (ERP)
Map Designator Field Indicate the type of identification method used, on the maps attached with this application, to signify wells, pumps, or culverts utilized in the project.
Marina Term With WOD permits, a marina is defined as a docking facitily for four (4) or more watercraft. (WOD)
Materials Term Matter of any kind, such as sand, clay, silt, rock, dredged material, construction debris, solid waste, pilings or other structures, ash, and residue from industrial and domestic processes. The term shall not include the temporary use and placement of lobster pots, crab traps, or similar devices or the placement of oyster cultch pursuant to Section 370.16, F.S. or Chapter 62R-6, F.A.C. (ERP)
Max. Calibration Capacity Field This information displays automatically and is not editable by a user.
Maximum Daily Allocation Term The maximum quantity permitted to be withdrawn in any single 24 hour period. (WU)
Maximum Day pumpage Field Enter a number, in MGD (million gallons per day), for the maximum pumpage amount for dewatering.
Maximum depth of elevation Field Provide the number in feet.

Maximum Monthly Allocation

Term The maximum quantity of water assigned to the permit to be withdrawn during the month in the growing season when the largest supplemental crop requirement is needed by the specific crop for which the allocation is permitted. (WU)
Measurement or Analysis Method Field

Provide the measurement taken or the analysis method used when determining the levels of the various conditions and or materials found when providing monitoring compliance information for a Water Use pending application or permit.

Meter Description Field Select the applicable description from the list provided. Same list applies to wells, pumps and culverts.
Method of proposed excavation Field Describe the excavation method required for the dewatering.
Micro-Irrigation Term The application of small quantities of water on or below the soil surface as drops or tiny streams of spray through emitters or applicators placed along a water delivery line. Micro-irrigation includes a number of methods or concepts such as bubbler, drip, trickle, mist or microspray and subsurface irrigation. (WU)
Middle Initial Field Enter the middle initial in names for registration, permit search or relevant party information.
Mitigation Term An action or series of actions to offset the adverse impacts that would otherwise cause a regulated activity to fail to meet the criteria set forth in sections 4.2 and Mitigation usually consists of restoration, enhancement, creation, preservation, or a combination thereof. (ERP)
Mitigation Bank Term A project undertaken to provide for the withdrawal of mitigation credits to offset adverse impacts to wetlands and other sensitive areas.. (ERP)
Mitigation Bank Permit Term A permit issued to a banker to construct, operate, manage and maintain a Mitigation Bank. (ERP)
Mitigation Credit Term A unit of measure which represents the increase in ecological value resulting from restoration, enhancement, preservation, or creation activities. (ERP)
Mitigation Service Area Term The geographic area within which Mitigation Credits from a Mitigation Bank may be used to offset adverse impacts of activities regulated under Part IV of Chapter 373, F.S. (ERP)
Modification Term Used to refer to the addition or deletion of any facilities or uses not specifically authorized by the original permit.
Modified By Field The name of the person who altered the record.
Monitoring Type Field Enter the monitoring type used for the Discharge Monitoring Plan for the WOD renewal permit.
Monitoring Withdrawal Report Field/

This Water Use compliance report collects water level, chlorides, conductivity, turbidity and other values of data. The information includes data for ground water (wells), and surface water (pumps and culverts). The data may be entered by source, facility group or even permit. The District staff report will ascertain this report's submission schedule (weekly, monthly, or quarterly).

Month 1, 2 or 3 Field

Enter the MGM (million gallons per month) of water withdrawn from a well or pump for each month (reporting for three months) of the quarter being reported in a Water Use compliance reports.

Months of planting Field Select a month from the list provided used for planting the seasonal crop for the irrigated parcel.
Months crop in ground Field Select a number from the list provided which indicates when the plant is ready for harvest.
Move Document Button Allows you to move selected document(s) from one document title to another in the repository.
Move to Selected Folder Button Takes you to the Move Document page.
Move/Delete Document Menu Link Takes you to the Document Maintenance page.

Term /Field

A geodetic datum derived from a network of information collected in the United States and Canada . It was formerly called the “Sea Level Datum of 1929” or “mean sea level”. Although the datum was derived from the average sea level over a period of many years at 26 tide stations along the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and Pacific Coasts , it does not necessarily represent local mean sea level at any particular place. (WU & ERP)

Net Depth of Application Field Select the percentage of irrigation depth for the project parcel being used from the list provided. This represents the depth of ground saturation when irrigation occurs.
Name of Parcel/Farm Field Enter a name for any land parcel or farm being added to an existing WOD permit for a permit renewal.
Name of Person Completing Form Field

Enter your name as the person completing this compliance report for a pending Water Use application or issued permit.

New Password Field The changed password.
New Search Link Takes you to the current search page.
Next Button Navigates you to the next page of the search result report.
Next Page Field Link located above and below screens in the ePermitting process, which navigates you to the next page while automatically saving the changes on the current page.
No Button Cancels the delete operation and navigates you to the previous page/step.
No/Type of Application Field The number or type of application requested or issued.
Notify Button Link Takes you to the page that allows the agency to send notification emails.
Notify Flag Field Used to place a flag to notify or not.
Notice General Permit Term Means a revocable license to occupy the works or lands of the District for specific types of proposed uses, with limited review by District staff, as set forth herein, and not requiring Governing Board approval. (WOD)
Notice Type Field Type of Notice subscribed. In Notice search - it is used as search criteria (e.g., ALL, ERP, WOD, & WU).
Old Password Field Current password being used when changing a password.
Operation Permit Term A permit issued by the District authorizing the operation and maintenance of a surface water management system in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permit. (ERP)
Operator Field Enter a name, if applicable, for the lessee of this parcel or farm being added to the basin information section for a WOD permit renewal.
Other Field Use the down arrow to add alternative monitoring types (e.g., Monitoring Type 1, 2, 3, etc.) when providing information for a Water Use compliance report. The field accompanying this field should list the activity itself.
Other (Name of Type) Field This is the field that accompanies Other as explained above. This information depends upon your permit requirements as issued by District staff.
Other Comments Field Used for the Additional Information section where the any user may enter comments pertaining to an application submittal or permit.
Other Surface Waters Term Surface waters other than wetlands, as described and delineated pursuant to Section 62-340.00, F.A.C., as ratified by Section 373.4211, F.S. (WU & ERP)
Outstanding Florida Body (OFW) Term A water body designated worthy of special protection because of its natural attributes. Most OFWs are areas managed by the state or federal government as parks, wildlife refuges, preserves, marine sanctuaries, estuarine research reserves, certain waters within state or national forests, scenic and wild rivers, or aquatic preserves. (WU)
Outstanding Florida water body (OFW) Field

Enter the Outstanding Florida water body involved in the ERP permit application.

Overflow Elevation Term Design elevation of a discharge structure at which, or below which, water is contained behind the structure, except for that which leaks out, or bleeds out, through a control device down to the control elevation. (ERP)
Owner Field List the name of the individual or entity who owes the parcel or farm being added to the basin information required for a WOD permit renewal.
Owner Term Defined as the individual or entity legally responsible for the ownership and control of the proposed facility or authorized use.
Parcel/Farm Acreage Field Enter the amount of acreage included in the addition parcel or farm for a WOD permit renewal.
Parcel Name Field Enter a name for the parcel represented in the Water Use permit project.
Passive Recreational Use Term Defined as conventional leisure activities, with minimal land or water resource impacts, which include such uses as walking, joggin, hiking, bicycling, fishing, nature appreciation, and equestrian use. Passive recreational use shall not include the use of motorized vehicles, with the exception of motorized wheelchairs necessary for use by disabled persons. (WOD)
Password Field A secret word or phrase that one uses to access information.
Perennial Crop Field Select the crop being planted in this irrigated parcel from the list provided.
Permit Family Type/Permit Type Field The type of permit the application is being considered for (e.g.,"Environmental Resource General Permit Modification" or "Water Use").
Permit # Field A unique number used to identify the permit (e.g., 36-00001-P - 2 digit country code (36), 5 digit sequence number, letter represents permit type (P = ERP, S = SWM, W = WU, and E = WOD EAA)
Permit No/App No Field The Permit number or Application number which applies to an additional permit associated with a WOD permit renewal.
Permit Transfer Term When the responsibility for the permit authorization changes from one person or entity to another. (WOD)
Phone Field Enter the phone number for any relevant parties listed in the permit application. Also requested when completing compliance reports.
Plume Term A body of contaminated ground water originating from a specific source and influenced by such factors as the local ground water flow pattern, density of contaminant and character of the aquifer. (WU)
Position Field Your designation (used in registration).
Portable Guns Term Large sprinklers that discharge high volumes of water at high pressures through the air and are moved from location to location irrigating in a circular spray pattern and include truck or tractor mounted units. (WU)
Potable Water Term Water that is suitable for drinking, culinary, or domestic purposes. (WU)
Post Documents Button/ Menu Link Allows you to post the document(s) to the repository.
Potentiometric Surface Term A surface which represents the hydraulic head in an aquifer and is defined by the level to which water will rise above a datum plane in wells that penetrate the aquifer. (WU)
Pre-Application Meetings Field Enter details for these meetings, such as: attendee names, date, time and location, etc.
Preservation Term The protection of wetlands, other surface waters or uplands from adverse impacts by placing a conservation easement or other comparable land use restriction over the property or by donation of fee simple interest in the property. (ERP)
Previous Button Navigates you to the previous page of the search result report (Search Permit function).
Previous Page Field Link located above and below screens in the ePermitting process, which navigates you to the previous page while saving changes on the current page.
Project Acreage Field Enter the number of acres that either is, or will be, involved in the project for this application.
Project Name Field Title given by the applicant to describe the project.
Proposed monitoring program Field Explain the monitoring program planned if the discharge water for dewatering does not remain on site.
Public Water Supply Term Water that is withdrawn, treated, transmitted and distributed as potable or reclaimed water. (WU)
Pump Coordinates for easting Field The Florida State Plane System (Planer Coordinates), should be submitted if you have a land survey which identifies the location of the well in terms of those measurements. If you do not know what these are, it is not necessary to include them.
Pump Coordinates for northing Field The Florida State Plane System (Planer Coordinates), should be submitted if you have a land survey which identifies the location of the well in terms of those measurements. If you do not know what these are, it is not necessary to include them.
Pump Description Field Select a description from the list provided for the proposed or existing pump.
Pump Diameter Field Enter the diameter, in inches, for the pump being listed.
Pump Horsepower Field Enter the amount of horsepower utilized by the pump being listed.
Pump Intake Elevation Field Enter the amount of feet below ground for the pump.
Pump or Flow Capacity Field Amount, in gallons per minute, of water for the pump flow for the applicable well or pump.
Pump Name Field Enter a name for the proposed or existing pump for this application.
Pump Status Field Select the applicable status from the list provided. Same list applies to wells and culverts.
Pump Type Field Choose a pump type from the list provided for the well, pump, or culvert being referenced.
Purpose of Water Withdrawal Field Enter the required information concerning the purpose and activity for the water withdrawal when in Water Use Details screen.
Rainfall Station Field Choose the station for this parcel from the list provided.
Range Field The range in which the project is located in. An increment measurement east or west from the Principal Meridan in the US Public Land Survey.
Received Waterbody Field Enter the name of the receiving waterbody for the dewatering.

Receiving District Works

Field Enter the receiving body of District waters for an added parcel or farm when appying to renew a WOD permit. Examples might include: WPB Canal, Ocean, Canal, etc.
Reclaimed Water Term

Water that has received at least secondary treatment and is reused after flowing out of a wastewater treatment facility. (WU)

Reclaimed Water Field Enter the information for reclaimed water pertaining to this application.
Re-enter New Password Field Retype changed password (used in registration).
Regional Watershed Term As used in subsection 4.4, a regional watershed means a watershed as delineated in Figure 4.4-1. (ERP)
Regulated Activity Term The construction, alteration, operation, maintenance, abandonment or removal of a surface water management system, including dredging and filling, regulated pursuant to Part IV, Chapter 373, F.S. (ERP)
Reset Button Clears the input fields and set page to the default values.
Reset Password Menu Link Navigates you to the Reset Password page.
Resource Efficiency Term The efficient use of water as measured in terms of the net impact on the relevant water storage system. A relevant water storage system will include the surface water and ground water bodies which are determined by the District to provide storage, using the factors stated in Section of the Basis of Review. (WU)
Restoration Term

Converting back to a historic condition those wetlands, surface waters, or uplands which currently exist as a land form which differs from the historic condition. (ERP)

Return Comments Field Enter text that pertains to this submittal for routing purposes.
Restricted Allocation Area Term

Areas designated within the District for which allocation restrictions are applied with regard to the use of specific sources of water. The water resources in these areas are managed in response to specific sources of water in the area for which there is lack of water availability to meet the projected needs of the region from that specific source of water. (WU)

Retention Term The prevention of stormwater runoff from direct discharge into receiving waters; included as examples are systems which discharge through percolation, exfiltration, filters bleed-down and evaporation processes. (WU & ERP)
Retention/Detention Area (dry) Term Water storage area with bottom elevation at least one foot above the control elevation of the area. Sumps, mosquito control swales and other minor features may be at a lower elevation. (ERP)
Retention/Detention Area (wet) Term A water storage area with bottom elevation lower than one foot above the control elevation of the area. (ERP)
Retrofit Term The replacement or changing out of an existing irrigation system with a different irrigation system such as a conversion from an overhead sprinkler system to a micro-irrigation system. (WU)
Retype Password Field Retype secret password or phrase that one uses to access information.
Right of Way Term Defined as those lands acquired by the District in fee, easement, or other type of grant, for the purpose of operations and maintenance of the District's canal and levee system, spoil areas, Stormwater Treatment Area's (STA's), and access and other easements. (WOD)
Right of Way Occupany
Term Refers to a revocable license to occupy the works or lands of the District, either by a notice general permit or a standard permit. (WOD)
Riprap Term A sustaining wall made to reduce the force of waves and to protect the shore from erosion and consists of unconsolidated boulders, rocks, or clean concrete rubble with no exposed reinforcing rods or similar protrusions. (ERP)
Runoff Term

That component of rainfall which is not absorbed by soil, intercepted and stored by surface water bodies, evaporated to the atmosphere, transpired and stored by plants, or infiltrated to ground water, but which flows to a watercourse as surface water flow. (WU)

Run Report Button Perform the search based on the specified search criteria and displays the search result report.
SFWMD Basin Field Automatically displays the basin ID from the location mentioned and cannot be edited if new. (WOD)
Saline Water Term

An aqueous solution with a chloride concentration greater than 250 mg/L and less than that of seawater. (WU)

Saline Water Interface Term Hypothetical surface of chloride concentration between freshwater and saline water where the chloride concentration is 250 mg/L at each point on the surface. (WU)
Salutation Field Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., etc...
Sample Collector Field Enter the name of the sample collector for the Discharge Monitoring Plan (Basin Information) for a WOD renewal permit.
Sampling Method Field Choose one of the two sampling methods listed: (FPFW) Flow-Proportional/Flow Weighted Water or (TPTW) Time-Proportional/Time Weighted Water Samples.
Search Button Performs the repository search based in the specified search criteria.
Search Data Field Performs search based on the Search data entered.
Search Info Menu Link Takes you to the Search Permit page.
Search Notice Menu Link Takes you to the Search Notice page.
Seasonal High Water Level Term The elevation to which the ground water or surface water can be expected to rise due to a normal wet season. (WU)
Seawall Term A manmade wall or encroachment, except riprap, which is made to break the force of waves and to protect the shore from erosion. (ERP)
Seawater Term An aqueous solution with a chloride concentration equal to or greater than 19,000 mg/L. (WU & ERP)
Seepage Irrigation System Term

A means to artificially supply water for plant growth which relies primarily on gravity to move the water over and through the soil, and it does not rely on emitters, sprinklers or any other type of device to deliver water to the vicinity of expected plant use. (WU)

Section Field Enter the number (a one-square-mile block of land) that applies to part of the parcel identification number identifying properties using the US Public Land survey measurement system.
Select a Question/Your Question, Your Answer Field The Question and Answer method is used to verify that you are an Authorized User on this account in case you need help remembering your User Name or Password. Select a Question from the drop down menu and supply an answer that only you would know. (Used in registration.)
Select Status Field Choose either Completed or Not Completed as a status when routing a submittal to a user.
Semi-Confined Aquifer Term A completely saturated aquifer that is bounded above by a semi-pervious layer, which has a low, through measurable permeability, and below by a layer that is either impervious or semi-pervious. (WU)
Send Notify Emails Button Sends notification and subscription expiration reminder emails to the subscriber.
Service Area Term

The geographical region in which a water supplier has the ability and the legal right to distribute water for use. (WU)

Set User Group Menu Link Takes you to the page that allows you to set up a user status for applications (this is an administration function only -- not for the general public).
Show folders Link Displays document(s) sorted by folder name within the search result report.
Sign In Here Link Takes you to the Registration page.
Species of Special Concern Term

Those animal species listed in Section 39-27.005, F.A.C. (ERP)

Staff Report Term A written report prepared by District Staff advising the Governing Board of its conclusions and recommendations based on review of the application. The description of the project in the staff report shall take precedence over application data contained in District permit files, since numerous project changes are often made by applicants during application processing, the results of which may only be reflected in the staff report. Staff reports may be prepared for General Permits. In addition, staff reports serve as notice of proposed agency action. (WU & ERP)
Staged Drawdown Term In dewatering systems, the practice of pumping the source unit to discrete, incremental levels. (WU)
Standard Permit Term Refers to a revocable license to occupy the works or lands of the District for all uses not covered by a notice general permit, with a full review by District staff, as set forth herein, and requiring Governing Board approval. (WOD)
Standby Facility Term The minimal operation of a withdrawal facility to maintain the mechanical integrity of the pumping apparatus as recommended by the manufacturer or for a limited time period each month. (WU)
State Field Enter the state for relevant party information, using the two letter abbreviations.
Statement of Agreement Field This is an agreement document that facilitates the transaction between the District and you, the user.
Status Field The current status of the application/permit. Issued = Permit has been approved. Pending = Application is still awaiting agency action.
State Water Quality Standards Term Water quality standards adopted pursuant to Chapter 403, F.S. (ERP)
Stormwater Management System Term A system which is designed and constructed or implemented to control discharges which are necessitated by rainfall events, incorporating methods to collect, convey, store, absorb, inhibit, treat, use or reuse water to prevent or reduce flooding, over drainage, environmental degradation, and water pollution or otherwise affect the quantity and quality of discharges from the system. (ERP)
STA (Stormwater Treatment Area) Term Defined as the District's Everglades Nutrient Removal Project ("ENR"), as well as those areas currently, or in the future, designated by the District as Stormwater Treatment Area's. (WOD)
Structure ID Field Will display as "NEW" when an applicant is entering a new Structure. Displays a number when an existing structure requires modification during a WOD permit renewal.
Structure Type Field Select a structure type from the list provided.
Submerged grassbeds Term Any native, herbaceous, submerged vascular plant community that is growing on the bottoms of surface waters waterward of the mean high water line or ordinary high water line. (ERP)
Submit Button Submits the current page data.
Submittal Menu Link Takes you to the ePermitting submittal page in order to start the online application process.
Subscribe Menu Link Takes you the Subscription page.
Subscribed By Field Represents the account user (used in registration).
Subscription Date Field The date when the account holder subscribed.
Subscription Report Menu Link Takes your to the Subscription Report page.
Supplemental Irrigation Requirement (SIR) Term

The volume of water, usually expressed in acre-inches, representing the difference between the estimated evapotranspiration of a given crop and the effective rainfall available in a specific geographic area over some prescribed time period and climatic event. (WU)

Surface Water Management System Term A stormwater management system, dam, impoundment, reservoir, appurtenant work or works, or any combination thereof. The terms “surface water management system” or“system” include areas of dredging or filling as defined by Section 373.403 (13) and (14), F.S. respectively. (ERP)
System Generated Notices Menu Link Takes you to the page which allows you to generate notices, and then post those notices in the repository.
Tax ID Field Represents the federal tax identifier number used for this Parcel being referenced in this application.
Threatened Species Term Those animal species listed in Section39-27.004, F.A.C., and those plant species which are listed as threatened in 50 Code of Federal Regulations 17.12 (ERP)
Title Field Enter a title for the relevant party or for you, as the user.
Top of Bank Term Refers to the point at which the flat or nearly level ground surface transitions down to the channel along the side slope of the canal bank. (WOD)
Total Depth Field Depth, in feet, of the existing or proposed well.
Total Land Area Term Land holdings under common ownership which are contiguous or land holdings which are served by common surface water management facilities. (ERP)
Town Field Enter the town where the project is or will be located.
Township Field The township that the project is located in. An increment measurement north or south from the base line in the US Public Land Survey.
Turbidity Field Provide information as to the clarity of the water being referenced when completing a required Water Use compliance report.
Traveling Guns Term Large sprinklers that discharge high volumes of water through the air above the level of the plant being irrigated at high pressures which are self-propelled and move slowly across the area being irrigated, such as lateral move or linear irrigation systems. (WU)
Tree Term Refers to not only the trunk of the tree, but the farthest part of the canopy of the tree at maturity as well. (WOD)
Treatment Facility Term Any plant or other works used for the purpose of treating, stabilizing, or holding wastewater. (WU)
Unconfined Aquifer Term A permeable geologic unit or units only partly filled with water and overlying a relatively impervious layer. Its upper boundary is formed by a free water table or phreatic surface under atmospheric pressure. Also referred to as Water Table aquifer. (WU)
Upconing Term Upward migration of mineralized or saline water as a result of pressure variation caused by withdrawals. (WU)
Update Profile Menu Link Takes you to the User Profile page with the option of updating information.
Unsubscribe Menu Link Takes you to the Delete Subscription Confirmation page.
Use of Reclaimed Water Term The deliberate application of reclaimed water, in compliance with Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and District rules, for a beneficial purpose. (WU)
User/Login ID/User ID Field Your user ID which allows you to enter the online ePermitting system.
User Group Field Lists any ePermitting User Groups.
Utility Term Any legal entity responsible for supplying potable water for a defined service area. (WU)
Utility (WOD) Term Defined as companies actually providing essential water, electric, telephone, sewer, or natural gas services. All other services shall be considered non-essential.(WOD)
Vertical Seawall Term A seawall where the waterward face is set at a slope greater than 75 degrees to the horizontal. A seawall with sloping riprap covering the waterward face to the mean high water line shall not be considered a vertical seawall. (ERP)
Village Field Enter a name for the village, if appropriate, where the project is or will be located.
Violator Term Refers to any persons or entities acting contrary to the provisions of Chapter 373, F.S., these rules, as well as the provisions of any permit issued pursuant to these rules. (WOD)
Wastewater Term The combination of liquid and water-carried pollutants from residences, commercial buildings, industrial plants and institutions together with any groundwater, surface runoff or leachate that may be present. (WU)
Water Balance Operation Details Field Enter the information requested in this field title.
Water Conservation Plans Field Attach any files and enter information concerning the Water Conservation Plans required for a Water Use Permit regarding Public Water Safety and when using water for Industrial, Agricultural, Recreational, or other uses.
Water Level Field Enter the water level based on NGVD (geodetic datum) when providing information for a Water Use compliance report.
Water Management Areas Term Areas to be utilized for the conveyance, treatment, or storage of storm water. (ERP)
Watershed Term The land area which contributes to the flow of water into a receiving body of water. (ERP)
Water Table Term The surface of a body of unconfined ground water at which the pressure is equal to that of the atmosphere; defined by the level where water within an unconfined aquifer stands in a well. (WU)
Water Use Term Any use of water which reduces the supply from which it is withdrawn or diverted. (WU)
Water Use Classification Field Choose one of the four classifications provided for the Water Use details section. Classifications include: Agricultural Irrigation, Landscape and/or Golf Course Irrigation, Dewatering, Livestock, Public Water Supply, and the final catagory: Industrial, Agricultural, Recreational or Other.
Water Use Description Field Use text to describe the water use for this application.
Water Use Type Field From the list provided, choose the appropriate water use for this well, pump or culvert as it applies to the project.
Water Well Term Any excavation that is drilled, cored, bored, washed, driven, dug, jetted, or otherwise constructed when the intended use of such excavation is for the location, acquisition, development, or artificial recharge of ground water . This term does not include any well for the purpose of obtaining or prospecting for oil, natural gas, minerals, or products of mining or quarrying; for inserting media to dispose of oil brines or to repressure oil-bearing or natural gas-bearing formation; for storing petroleum, natural gas, or other products; of for temporary dewatering of subsurface formations for mining, quarrying or construction purposes. (373.303(7), F.S.). (WU)
Water Diameter Field Diameter, in inches, of the existing or proposed well.
Well and Pump Report Field/
This quarterly Water Use compliance report gathers water level, chlorides, conductivity, turbidity and other values for ground water (wells) and for surface water (pumps and culverts). The data may be entered by source, facility group or even permit.
Well or Pump? Field

Click on the radio button to enter compliance information for either a Well or a Pump when completing a Withdrawal Monitoring Report for a Water Use pending application or issued permit.

Well Number/Name Field Enter a well number or name as it applies to the project in the Water Use permit application.
Well Status Field Select the applicable status from the list provided. Same list applies to pumps and culverts.
Wetlands Term Those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface water or ground water at a frequency and a duration sufficient to support, and under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soils. Soils present in wetlands generally are classified as hydric or alluvial, or process characteristics that are associated with reducing soil conditions. The prevalent vegetation in wetlands generally consists of facultative or obligate hydrophytic macrophytes that are typically adapted to areas having soil conditions described above. These species, due to morphological, physiological, or reproductive adaptation, have the ability to grow, reproduce, or persist in aquatic environments or anaerobic soil conditions. Florida wetlands generally include swamps, marshes bayheads, bogs, cypress domes and strands, sloughs, wet prairies, riverine swamps and marshes, hydric seepage slopes, tidal marshes, mangrove swamps and other similar areas. Florida wetlands do not include longleaf or slash pine flatwoods with an understory dominated by saw palmetto. The landward extent of wetlands shall be delineated pursuant to Sections 62-340.100 through 62-340.550, F.A.C., as ratified by Section 373.4211, F.S. (WU & ERP)
Wet season Field Provide the existing water table elevation in feet for dewatering.
Wind Stress Damage Term Exposure to high wind such that the crop or plant is economically damaged. (WU)
Withdrawal Name Field Represents the relevant well or pump as indicated in the initial pending application or issued permit. This information auto populates when in use for Water Use compliance reports.
Works Term Represents all artificial structures, including but not limited to ditches, canals, conduits, channels, culverts, pipes, and other construction that connects to, draws water from, drains water into, or is placed in or across the waters in the state. (ERP)
Works of the District (WOD) Term Refers to canals, levees, structures, lands, water bodies, and other associated facililties which have been adopted as such by the District's Governing Board. (WOD)
Xeriscape Term A landscaping method that maximizes the conservation of water by the use of site-appropriate plants and an efficient watering system. The definitions set forth in Chapter 40E-8, F.A.C. shall be incorporated into the Basis of Review. (WU)
Years Field Enter the number of years requested for agricultural irrigation for the water use permit.
Yes Button Confirms that you want to perform a delete operation.
Zip Field Enter the zip code for any relevant parties listed in the application.
Zone 1 Term Refers to the five operational zones segmented for canal rights of way; Zone 1 refers to the canal channel from the top of the bank to the opposite top of the bank. (WOD)
Zone 2 Term Refers to the five operational zones segmented for canal rights of way; Zone 2 refers to the point on the right of way from the top of bank to a point five (5) feet landward. (WOD)
Zone 3 Term Refers to the five operational zones segmented for canal rights of way; Zone 3 refers to the point on the right of way from a point (5) feet landward from the top of the bank to a point twenty (20) feet landward. (WOD)
Zone 4 Term Refers to the five operational zones segmented for canal rights of way; Zone 4 refers to the point on the right of way from a point (20) feet landward from the top of the bank to a point forty (40) feet landward. (WOD)
Zone 5 Term Refers to the five operational zones segmented for canal rights of way; Zone 5 refers to any right of way further than forty (40) feet from the top of bank. (WOD)