DBHYDRO       time series


Dbkey 89831
Data Type FLOW
Frequency Daily
Statistic Type Mean Value For Interval
Recorder Unknown method - See records of the responsible agency
Start Date 08-AUG-2003
End Date 30-SEP-2008
Station 02275631
Station Description USGS Hydro/WQ Station on L63S Canal near Okeechobee
Dbkey Description Discharge, cubic feet per second (Mean)
Agency U.S. Geological Survey
Gate Number  
Strata 0
Latitude (ddmmss.sss) 271134
Longitude (ddmmss.sss) 804347
X Coordinate (ft) 744023.953 (NAD83)
Y Coordinate (ft) 1039342.987 (NAD83)
Site 02275631
Quad Index 27080324
County Okeechobee
Basin S191
Town 38
Range 36
Section 4
Site ID  
Alternate Id 02275631
USGS Id 02275631 (Link to USGS NWIS Database)
DCVP Station Id  
Structure Type  
Registered By BTURCOTT
Registered Date 24-OCT-2012
Status Inactive
Provisional Starting  

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