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ISTO Lake Istokpoga Pat Davis WQM kmullen 10-FEB-1988 The Lake Istokpoga water quality monitoring program encompasses the major inflow and outflow points to the lake as well as in-lake monitoring.
The water quality monitoring program provides a water quality and nutrient loading data base for
1.Consolidating information from all previous publications to establish historical trends
2.Determining long and short term trends to identify potential problem areas of water quality degradation and nutrient loadings
3.Producing a nutrient budget for the lake
4.Note changes in water quality after herbicide treatments to the lake (Pre-treatment 1988, Post-treatment 1989 to present) and
5.Establishing acceptable nutrient loading limits using eutrophication models.
Water quality monitoring began in February 1988. Nutrient loadings are calculated by combining nutrient concentrations with flow data obtained at the major inflow and outflow points to the lake. These data can indicate trends in water quality and allow for better management of the system to monitor for environmental enhancement or degradation. Values that deviate significantly from established criteria may signal a concern requiring immediate attention.

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