EBRC - Water Depth Experiment. Hydrological Research |
Sue Newman |
WM |
12-APR-2002 |
11-AUG-2005 |
Interactive effects of seed availability, water depth, and phosphorus enrichment on cattail colonization in an Everglades wetland.
The relative importance of seed availability, water depth, and soil phosphorus (P) concentrations on cattail (Typha domingensis pers.) early establishment in an Everglades wetland area was examined using seed bank analysis and controlled experiments. The experiments measured seed germination and seedling growth in tanks with cattail seed addition subjected to two P concentrations (un-enriched vs. enriched) and water depth (saturated vs. flooded soils). A limited seed bank (223 ? 69m2) of cattail was found in the surface soil ofthe area studied. The germination of added seeds was inhibited under flooded conditions, and only 0.6% of the germination was found. In contrast,under-saturated soil conditions, a maximum of 6% and 15% germination was observed in P-un-enriched and P-enriched treatments, respectively. High mortality of seedlings occurred regardless of P treatments following a cold spell. However, P enrichment resulted in increased seedling growth and asexual propagation. These results suggested the importance of the concurrence of appropriate hydrologic regimes, P enrichment, and air temperature on the recruitment of plant species.