DBHYDRO       reports

Hydraulic Details

SitePumped WellX-Coord(ft)Y-Coord (ft)
Hampton HillsHAMPTONHI1944701657826

Start Test Date:25-DEC-2000 0000Aquifer:FLORIDAN AQUIFER SYSTEM
Test Type:APTTransmissivity (ft2/day):2673797
Discharge Rate (gal/min):Horizontal K (ft/day):7188
Hours Pumped:24Vertical K (ft/day):
Tested Interval Min. (ft BLS):220Storativity:
Tested Interval Max. (ft BLS):422Leakance (1/day):
No. Monitored Wells:Specific Capacity (gpm/ft):
SourceReferenceCitation Id
SOUTHWEST FLORIDA WMD Data compiled by the SWFMWD, originally from , Leggette, Brashears, and Graham, 1985.
Comments:Data obtained only from the pumped well; regional and barometric effects accounted for; 9 feet cavity near the bottom of the well; extremely high T:Tested Formation -Floridan

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