DBHYDRO       reports

Hydraulic Details

SitePumped WellX-Coord(ft)Y-Coord (ft)

Start Test Date:01-JAN-2000 0001Aquifer:SURFICIAL AQUIFER SYSTEM
Test Type:SPECIFIC CAPACITYTransmissivity (ft2/day):54000
Discharge Rate (gal/min):1075Horizontal K (ft/day):
Hours Pumped:Vertical K (ft/day):
Tested Interval Min. (ft BLS):133Storativity:
Tested Interval Max. (ft BLS):150Leakance (1/day):
No. Monitored Wells:Specific Capacity (gpm/ft):
SourceReferenceCitation Id
US GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Prepared in cooperation with the SFWMD, this data was compiled from well owners or from SFWMD files and sumarrized in, Fish, J.E. 1988. Hydrogeology, Aquifer Characteristics, and Ground-Water Flow of the Surficial Aquifer System, Broward County, Florida.
Comments:Trasmissivity value was estimated from specific capacity value.

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