DBHYDRO       reports

Hydraulic Details

SitePumped WellX-Coord(ft)Y-Coord (ft)
Section 21SEC21_6011696841379888

Start Test Date:25-DEC-2000 0000Aquifer:FLORIDAN AQUIFER SYSTEM
Test Type:APTTransmissivity (ft2/day):60160
Discharge Rate (gal/min):Horizontal K (ft/day):109.38
Hours Pumped:1272Vertical K (ft/day):
Tested Interval Min. (ft BLS):94Storativity:.0007
Tested Interval Max. (ft BLS):601Leakance (1/day):.000018
No. Monitored Wells:Specific Capacity (gpm/ft):
SourceReferenceCitation Id
SOUTHWEST FLORIDA WMD Data compiled by the SWFMWD, originally from , Leggette, Brashears and Graham, 1966.
Comments:Drawdowns corrected for regional trends; low rainfall conditions; also monitored lower upper and lower zones; computed distance-drawdown; other tests were performed, but the data was highly influenced by pumpage and large radii.:Tested Formation -Tp-S-Oc-

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